Vedadrama: Our Philosophy and Approach

Vedadrama: Our Philosophy and Approach

Vedadrama provides systemic and scenic based training of Humanistic Psychodrama for executives and counselors.

Vedadrama was started in 2012, supported by the German MIEÜ and from 2019 onwards by PIB, which was founded in 1973 as a Psychotherapeutic Institute Bergerhausen by Prof. Dr. Hans-Werner Gessmann. For decades PIB has co-developed and shaped humanistic psychodrama and systemic therapy in Germany, Russia and now in India.

Vedadrama Education has been proven to promote creativity, social skills and empathy. Group experience becomes a learning field of personal experience and professional reflection, enhancing both self-awareness and leadership.

What is special about “Vedadrama”?

Vedadrama explores the interaction of Indian tradition (like Vedas) and psychodramatic values.

Vedadrama is an Indian way of Psychodrama and Sociometry. We apply it in coaching, team building and leadership development.

Psychodrama, formed in the 1920s by J. L. Moreno in Vienna and New York, enriches creativity and spontaneity. In life-coaching, team building and leadership skills, inherited hidden resources are strengthened by enacting surplus reality solutions.

Bollywood isn´t the only place where we Indians celebrate music, dance and drama.

We like to play, and psychodrama is on “playing” one´s own life drama on a therapeutical stage.

The Vedantic concept of Maya expresses clearly, why the change of attitude within can transform the outer world as well, as only one´s own perception is needed to be changed to change the whole. The concept of Maya might be strongly related to Moreno’s way of working with the protagonist as an individual and help him to overcome the projections on others as to improve relationships – even without the person/partner present.

Finally, Vedadrama will be spiritual. The same as Moreno (Jewish spirituality and maybe more) and the concept of tele (which is more than just empathy, but even get some feel for one another, as we belong to the One) and the final goal of mankind (society; Sanathana Dharma).

Establishment of Vedadrama

Vedadrama was established in 2012 by Prof. Dr Jochen Becker-Ebel, who, having lived outside the temple town of Tiruvannamalai for six years, absorbed a sound knowledge of India and its spirituality. He established an enculturated way of psychodrama teaching and performing, called Vedadrama.

J. Becker-Ebel believed that Psychodrama can enrich India, and Indian psychodrama can enrich the West. Moreover, the rich tradition of colorful stories from the Mahabharata and the Vedas will add to the possibilities of psychodrama in India and in the world.

Vedadrama India is a member of IAGP (International Association of Group Psychotherapy and groups dynamics) and ISPS.

All seminars are certified internationally by PIB, Germany and conducted by certified psychodrama

(see: Team).