From someone who never knew how to express certain emotions, I now pick up emotional shifts not only in me but in my clients. The deep work that I did with Psychodrama has helped me first to evolve as a person & then as a coach.
I use & apply all my learnings in this journey with Vedadrama to create more impact in mine & my clients’ lives.
I would recommend Psychodrama with Vedadrama- It is a method that will change your life & help you heal
Psychodrama has opened many possibilities to make my work more exciting and meaningful for me and for my participants.
I experienced the power of the tools and use some element of psychodrama in many of my sessions.
As an individual, the sessions, the classes, the group – everything just made it a safe haven for me to share and work through my own issues. Learning from the strength and compassion of the group made it so beautiful. I was able to face my own insecurities and had so may Aha moments that have added so much meaning in my life.
Learning from Rashmi and Vipul has been an enriching experience and I will always cherish this time.
During our first session in Jan 2021, we were asked to pick up an object that would depict what do we want the outcome of this journey to look like. I chose a colourful wooden owl, and expressed that I wish to be wiser. And wiser, I became! But what I have also become is – Courageous— to face and experience difficult emotions; to ask; and answer tough questions. As a coach, when I apply psychodrama with a client, I am in awe. It brings out insights from the deepest consciousness of an individual and all you have to do as a coach is to hold that space. I had never experienced the power of a group ever and I hold this one year-intensive very close to my heart. This is just a milestone and I still have an exciting journey ahead of me.My heartfelt gratitude to Vedadrama!
Psychodrama is a swiss-knife which every coach, facilitator, change agent, people manager should possess!!
I found it immensely useful in my life dealing with inner conflicts, grief and finding my priorities and focus. It has helped me in bringing myself closer to my inner self, face my fears and disentangling some of the most difficult dilemmas of my life.
For workshops on Interpersonal Effectiveness, Change Management, and Emotional Agility, I found psychodrama techniques like sociometry and role reversal immensely useful in group settings. In 1:1 coaching, psychodrama brings more fluidity to the discussions and helps in making the client more candid and open.
It is difficult to list the merits of psychodrama in a paragraph, its a life long journey
PCP program has truly supported me, giving me more tools to choose as a coach. I’ve become braver and more spontaneous working my clients. Rashmi and her co Trainer Vipul created a safe space for us all, allowing us to experiment, practice, make mistakes, share, learn and grow.
Rashmi’s management of the program and people has allowed me to really look inside myself, challenge and just be honest with myself. Her questions are curious and the angles she approaches from are so gentle, yet very effective.
My experience in the group has really opened my eyes to the endless possibilities to the benefits and uses of psychodrama. I highly recommend this program to every coach who wants to improve.
The past two years have been a rollercoaster, not only to me but perhaps to most people around the world. Global pandemic took away the illusion of having things under control. Living and working in a foreign country alone, without a chance to see my family often, was challenging.
Three things that help me to keep sane? Exercising daily, at 6 am. Psychodrama coaching practice with Vedadrama – I have to “thank” the pandemic, which enabled me to do this course while not physically in India.
I never pursued mental health career or coaching in the past because I felt the approach was too prescriptive: checklists, pre-fabricated questions, focus on the outcome no matter what.
With psychodrama, it is different. It does not even feel like a coaching or therapy session – we act, use objects, wear masks, and use many creative methods. Very often, classes with Rashmi are the highlights of my week. I have never been so in touch with myself before, recognizing the triggers and adjusting my reaction to various situations. Thank you, Vedadrama and Rashmi!
I first encountered Psychodrama in 2020 and was struck by it’s potential as a powerful coaching tool for individuals and groups.
My initial experience in an introductory workshop compelled me to explore the process further. The learning curve has been steep and enriching and I attribute this to:
The diverse tools that support clients to move into action quickly, keeping them engaged and connected through the coaching process.
The learning, while pushing the boundaries of my comfort zone and my beliefs has felt completely safe and given abundant opportunities to experience, reflect, share and practice.
I have introduced Psychodramatic techniques in my coaching work, with positive response from my clients.
Psychodrama is a creative way of enacting emotions in a situation – a unique way of combining therapy and drama to get clear insights into a situation.
Personally psychodrama has helped me to grow and professionally it has been helpful in reaching out to my clients in psychotherapy.
Jochen is a skilled facilitator in psychodrama and his intuition and expertise is remarkable. Klaus has brought a new way of looking at psychodrama with spontaneity and creativity and combining it with spirituality. Savita’s sessions in psychodrama kept me deeply involved in the process and she contained the group and kept us engaged throughout…very approachable person!
Psychodrama is an art form of treating a person with respect and the subtlety way of observing are the skills I learnt as of now. Insights derived for me personally with conviction was a turning point for my professional life too. Jochen is a gifted trainer in this art form. He is soul driven in teaching and does magic with clients.
I found psychodrama to be a very potent therapy method because it brings about emotional and physical (through the body) transformation which is longer lasting than analyzing and resolving only through the brain.
I am a trainer and I find myself using techniques such as sociometry, role interviews and protagonist role plays from psychodrama more often in my sessions. Personally, it has helped me resolve some issues in some of my closest relationships which I have been struggling with for years.
As a trainer, I experienced Jochen to be amazingly transparent, honest and self-aware. He is always fully present, strict when he needs to be, open about his own blocks and shortcomings, and in touch with his emotions. He serves as a great role model for me.
Psychodrama is a unique and powerful process that enables deep and profound healing and growth in individuals. It generates options for them to address problems emanating from intra-personal or inter-personal issues. It is a highly creative and spontaneous process, deceptively simple in its application. Psychodrama techniques work with almost any personal or professional situation.
Psychodrama helped me personally in enhancing my relationship with my family members. I have started applying Psychodrama principles and techniques like Sociometry, Role Interview and Doubling even with my clients. I enabled them to achieve significant growth in their personal and professional lives.
Jochen is a highly experienced Psychodrama director. He leverages a very potent combination of creativity, spontaneity, skill and technique to produce a unique and masterly performance every time, all the time. He leverages his deep knowledge of Indian mythology, scriptures and rituals to adapt very effectively to the socio-cultural context of any situation.
Psychodrama: A process that calls be to present, in the here and now! I becoming aware of my intra-inner dialogue, which helps me to better manage my interpersonal communication with people and to increase my ability to be spontaneous, authentic and congruent in how I relate to self and others.
I have noticed the Vedadrama-team members, Jochen, Klaus and Savita are at ease with each other to be transparent and vulnerable. Jochen is compelled with an urgency to be sincere and sensitive in facilitating and in creating a conducive learning environment for change to occur. He is willing to take risk to pursue his dream to fruition.
I’ve been in training with Vedadrama for two years now and it’s been amazing. I’ve worked with more cognitive frameworks in the past and I find psychodrama to be a refreshingly non-cognitive approach to understanding self. It’s playful and fun yet deep and insightful at the same time. Personally, I’ve benefited a lot from being part of the learning group.
As someone who works in the space of leadership development with corporates, I see a lot of application for psychodrama in the work I do as well as in therapy work with groups and individuals.
All the facilitators are highly accomplished at both therapy and teaching. They are committed to developing high standards of performance in their trainees and the structure of the two year course allows for skills to be built steadily. Jochen’s passion for growing psychodrama in the country is evident in every interaction with him. It’s been a joy learning with him and Klaus.
Psychodrama is a very creative way of becoming aware of the behavioral processes and life patterns that are at play in our personal and professional lives. It also helps unravel personality disposition and emotional basis of how we respond, adapt and relate in a group. As a group process, it is a safe way to find resolution to our issues in life or get access to more powerful resources within us.
Psychodrama helped me get in touch with my feelings more. The process helped me unravel many personal issues both from my own personal work and also that within the group.
Jochen is very intuitive and seasoned Director. He has this magical ability to unfold things on the stage which helps the individual and group move towards expanded awareness and resolution. He excellently models a great teacher, facilitator and a mentor. His openness, ability to be vulnerable, and warmth makes him an excellent person to be around with.