Coimbatore exam Feb. 2019

From 2015 to 2018 a group of 14 participants from Coimbatore studied Psychodrama.

The course had a duration of 550 training hours.

Mr. Klaus Harter took the exam in Dec. 2018

After attending a final theory class in Feb. 2019 with Dr. Karen Drucker TEP and Dr. Steven Durost, both TSM Trainers in Traumatherapy

Nine participants received their certificates jointly issued by MIEÜ, Asha CHILD and Vedadrama India Pvt. Ltd.

Among the certified participants if Mr. Raguraman, the new co-trainer of the second Coimbatore group.

On the picture is Saru, the founder of Asha CHILD, Dr. Jochen, the founder of Vedadrama and the two American trainers chasing out the balance of exam fear in the room, while the participants smiling.