The past two years have been a rollercoaster, not only to me but perhaps to most people around the world. Global pandemic took away the illusion of having things under control. Living and working in a foreign country alone, without a chance to see my family often, was challenging.
Three things that help me to keep sane? Exercising daily, at 6 am. Psychodrama coaching practice with Vedadrama – I have to “thank” the pandemic, which enabled me to do this course while not physically in India.
I never pursued mental health career or coaching in the past because I felt the approach was too prescriptive: checklists, pre-fabricated questions, focus on the outcome no matter what.
With psychodrama, it is different. It does not even feel like a coaching or therapy session – we act, use objects, wear masks, and use many creative methods. Very often, classes with Rashmi are the highlights of my week. I have never been so in touch with myself before, recognizing the triggers and adjusting my reaction to various situations. Thank you, Vedadrama and Rashmi!