Online Introduction Psychodrama
Enclosed are the details of the 2-day program Introduction to Psychodrama offered by Vedadrama- for People Enablers like Team Leaders, Business Leaders, Coaches, Facilitators. It offers a glimpse into the power of Psychodrama- and how to leverage it in bringing transformation as a catalyst in the people you work with as a coach and Facilitator.
In its original form, Psychodrama was used as “therapy,” but in the last couple of decades, it is serving other goals of consciousness-raising. In business, education, personal development, role training in the industry, for conflict-resolution, play, and so forth, “action explorations” applies psychodramatic methods.
The program is online, and the methods can be used in both online as well as in-person sessions.
In fact, as the future trend is veering towards more online interactions, it provides practical tools on how to provide an experiential (not just cognitive) connection with your client/employee and get to the heart of the matter in a short time.
Dates are Aug 28-29, 2021
Please register fast as we have started closing registrations.